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Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow

The Essential Manual For The 21st Century Man


And now you’re here let’s get down to business. So, what’s it all about? The answer is it’s about you and how you can have more of the good things you want in your life and and be free from the stuff you no longer want.

We guys are constantly told that, for our own good, we need to get in touch with our feelings. But surely we’re already in touch with our feelings otherwise we wouldn’t know how we feel?

The real challenge for us men is that we’re naturally reluctant to talk about how we feel. So, when it comes to sorting out our heads maybe we need to take a step back and take a fresh look at the issue so we can all take a giant leap forward.

If you get a problem with your motor you could either take it to a garage or grab a manual that explains how the problem works and fix it yourself. And both of those options are perfectly acceptable here in Man World.

But when a guy’s feeling down Option 1, the idea of seeking outside help, doesn’t register on his radar and this leads us headlong into our next challenge. If we don’t understand how the problem works how are we going to fix it?

Option 2, grab a manual that explains how the problem works, and fix it yourself looks like the perfect Man World answer. No discussions about how you feel just the parts laid out and numbered so you can re-assemble them in the right order.

And that’s exactly what you’ll get from your copy of Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow.

With a guarantee of no touchy-feely stuff it simply explains the mechanics of how to change how you feel on the inside so you can give your life a turbo boost on the outside.

And the really good news is that you can do all this at your leisure and in the privacy of your own head.